Josh ProDuctions!
439 - lol SPIN ATTACK
505 - Arms dislocate and revolve around you... well would ya look at that...
528 - WHIRLPOOL!!! *cough* *choke* *gurggle*
725 - Looks like you're holding onto something that's floating over top of you, you grab it, and then let it go and stumble forward
734 - Wall Monster attack without spiney helmet on
750 - Looks like you're pushed by someone, 2 squares backward, and you stumble
755 - Skate boarding rofl, facing right
760 - Turn Right and face plant rofl
812 - CHARGE (as a ghost?)
837 - ROFL Drop dead
841 - Walking invisible
1375 - blinking
1500 - FLoats up
1501 - 'God' - continuation of 1500
1654 - dies in chair
1655 - motionless, dies in chair
1656 - leans back in chair
1739 - walking like holding somethign on back
1745 - walking stomp
1765-1769 - Straight up funny
1770 - HILARIOUS ( makes it look like you have a big cock )
1746 - crazy lol, funny!
1811 - twitch - push stand
1851 - super man
1861 - glare to right
1914 - uurghh... raawr!!!!
1938 - head throbbing
1950 - falling in pyramid - Desert treasure
1972 - evil laugh emote
2256 - arms crossed
2262 - flying carpet - take off
2264 - flying carpet - landing
2339 - sitting moving arms
2340 - falls backwards while sitting down
2383 - twitching
2390 - backstepping, something in face?
2555 - fairy kick
2588 - jumping in the air
2592 - stand sideways and knod head
2769 - walking drunk
2770 - drunk
2780 - throws item in hand in the air
2720 - scrapes the air with a weapon?
2797 - holds sword weird and angry emote..
2820 - dying emote + fades away..
2895 - flying away
2939 - sitting, as if on a throne
2968 - something
2995 - face plant
3001 - boot to the nuts
3040 - standing drunk
3039 - walking drunk